Journal articles

This database consists of articles on labour and topics related to this issue and some reviews. Click here for a list of the journals included in this database. We are still working to add a larger variety of journals and reviews from different countries and continents.

Title Author Yearsort descending Journal Online
Rejoinder - The Significance of Igbo in the Bight of Biafra Slave-Trade: A Rejoinder to Northrup's 'Myth Igbo' Chambers 2002 Slavery and Abolition
La persistencia del desempleo en la Argentina. Análisis micro y macroeconómico de su incidencia regional Féliz 2002 Estudios del trabajo
The Fragility of the Moment: Politics and Class in the Aftermath of the 1944 Argentine Earthquake. Healey 2002 International Labor and Working class History
La cuestión del azúcar: el vínculo entre lo micro y lo macro en la investigación histórica. Vallen Pavón 2002 Historia Mexicana
En Plena Libertad y Democracia: Negros Brujos and the Social Question, 1904-1919. Bronfman 2002 Hispanic American Historical Review
Ni sueño ni pesadilla: diversidad y paradojas en el proceso migratorio Ruiz 2002 Íconos
La conformación del mercado de trabajo en Tucumán (1800-1870) Campi 2002 Revista trabajo y Sociedad
Slave-Trade Nomenclature and African Ethnicities in the Americas: Evidence from Early Eighteenth-Century Costa Rica Lohse 2002 Slavery and Abolition
Three Slaveholders in the Antilles: Saint-Domingue, Martinique and Jamaica Forster 2002 Journal of Caribbean History
Reestructuración y contratos de mediería en la región pampeana argentina. Benencia 2003 Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe / European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Reestruturações produtivas nos tempos de crise: reflexões sobre a nova (des)ordem  Antognazzi 2003 Lutas sociais
Introduction: Slavery and other forms of Unfree Labour in the Indian Ocean World Campbell 2003 Slavery and Abolition
Stephanie Barrientos, Anna Bee, Ann Matear, and Isabel Vogel, Women and Agribusiness: Working Miracles in the Chilean Fruit Export Sector. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1999. xv + 231 pp. Tinsman 2003 International Labor and Working class History
Hearing Voices: Microhistory, Dialogicality and the Recovery of Popular Culture on an Eighteenth-Century Virginia Plantation Smolenski 2003 Slavery and Abolition
The Letterbooks of Isaac Jackson, Jamaican Planting Attorney, 1839-1843 Higman 2003 Journal of Caribbean History
Saenz Carrete, Erasmo. San José del Tizonazo: el santuario de la migración. Ciudad de México: Potrerillos Editores, H.Presidencia de Indé –Durango– (Colección: Miniseries de Historia Regional), 2002. 60 p. Luque Talaván 2003 Revista complutense de historia de América
Gender, Work, and Working-Class Women's Culture in the Veracruz Coffee Export Industry, 1920–1945. Fowler Salamini 2003 International Labor and Working class History
Donas e plebeias na sociedade colonial de Maria Nizza da Silva. Gonzalbo Aizpuru 2003 Historia Mexicana
Debt Peonage in Granada, Nicaragua, 1870–1930: Labor in a Noncapitalist Transition. Dore 2003 Hispanic American Historical Review
The Impact of Arco Norte on Northern Amazonia and the Guiana Shield. Dijck 2003 Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe / European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Neoliberalismo, resistência popular e saúde mental Secco 2003 Lutas sociais
Developing the West Indian Proslavery Position after the Somerset Decision Swaminathan 2003 Slavery and Abolition
Industrialización, empresas y trabajadores industriales: del porfiriato a la Revolución, la nueva historiografía. Gómez Galavarriato 2003 Historia Mexicana
Legislación gremial y prácticas gremiales: Los artesanos de pasto (1796 - 1850) 2003 Historia Crítica
Ley de Riesgos de Trabajo. ¿Salud para los trabajadores o para el sector asegurador? Pérez 2003 Estudios del trabajo
