Journal articles

This database consists of articles on labour and topics related to this issue and some reviews. Click here for a list of the journals included in this database. We are still working to add a larger variety of journals and reviews from different countries and continents.

Title Author Yearsort ascending Journal Online
The Seventeenth-century Slave Trade in the Documents of the English, Dutch, Swedish, Danish and Prussian Royal Slave Trading Companies Sutton 2015 Slavery and Abolition
Creolizing Freedom: French–Creole Translations of Liberty and Equality in the Haitian Revolution Joseph-Gabriel 2015 Slavery and Abolition
La época de los militares. Representaciones, categorías y clasificaciones de ex-obreros de Swift en torno a la violencia política y estatal Bretal 2015 Revista Sociohistórica
Movilidad laboral de los trabajadores con contratos eventuales: ¿mecanismo de inserción en empleos estables o regularizacion de la inestabilidad laboral? Trajtemberg 2015 Revista Trabajo y Sociedad
Sex Workers Unite: A History of the Movement from Stonewall to Slutwalk Dewey 2015 Labor
Introduction Knotter 2015 International Review of Social History
Portuguese Labor Migration towards Curaçao Do Rego 2014 Caribbean Studies
“The Right Kind of Men”: Flexible Capacity, Chinese Exclusion, and the Imperial Origins of Maritime Labor Reform in the United States, 1898 – 1905 Markey 2014 Journal of Social History
Ditadura Militar e capital monopolista: estruturação, dinâmica e legado Maciel 2014 Lutas Sociais
The ‘Better Sort’ and the ‘Poorer Sort’: Wealth Inequalities, Family Formation and the Economy of Energy on British Caribbean Sugar Plantations, 1750–1800 Roberts 2014 Slavery and Abolition
A “New Dealized” Grand Old Party: Labor and the Emergence of Liberal Republicanism in Minneapolis, 1937 – 1939 Barrett 2014 Labor
An Angry God in the Hands of Sinners: Enslaved Africans and the Uses of Protestant Christianity in Pre-Revolutionary Boston Hardesty 2014 Slavery and Abolition
Tras las huellas de una ilusión: el Partido Comunista argentino y sus planteos del Frente Democrático Nacional (1955-1963) Camarero 2014 Archivos de historia del movimiento obrero y la izquierda
Empire, Labor, and Environment: Coal Mining and Anticapitalist Environmentalism in the Americas Chomsky and Steve Striffler 2014 International Labor and Working class History
Autonomía y Migración: los obreros forestales del nordeste de Misiones (Argentina) Schiavoni 2014 Revista trabajo y Sociedad
Juventude rural e trabalho no cultivo do tabaco Bevilaqua Marin 2014 Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios del Trabajo
Movimentos sociais e Reforma Agrária: um balanço crítico dos governos Lula e Dilma Barreira 2014 Outubro
Fuerza de trabajo en la horticultura de La Plata (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Razones y consecuencias de su competitividad García 2014 Revista trabajo y Sociedad
More Than Canteen Control: Polish and Italian Socialists Confronting Their Workers, 1944-1947 De Graaf 2014 International Review of Social History
Trabalho e trajetórias familiares de indígenas em Pampa e no oeste de Buenos Aires (Argentina, 1882-1920) Salomon Tarquini 2014 Mundos do Trabalho
SLAVERY: ANNUAL BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SUPPLEMENT (2013) Thurston 2014 Slavery and Abolition
The Right and Labor in America: Politics, Ideology, and Imagination Cowie 2014 Labor
Creating Identity: Free Blacks and the Law Nicholls 2014 Slavery and Abolition
El comunismo argentino y sus divisiones en los años veinte. Un análisis de la disputa en el movimiento sindical entre el ‘penelonismo’ y el Partido Comunista / The argentine communism and its divisions in the twenties. An analysis of the dispute in the... Ceruso 2014 Izquierdas
Problemas do movimento operário rural na zona do “oro verde” argentino: a expansão da soja, o regime de contratação e a ausência de conflitos proletários entre 1970 e 2010 Villulla 2014 Mundos do Trabalho
