Journal articles

This database consists of articles on labour and topics related to this issue and some reviews. Click here for a list of the journals included in this database. We are still working to add a larger variety of journals and reviews from different countries and continents.

Title Author Yearsort descending Journal Online
Customs and Costumes: Carlos Julião and the Image of Black Slaves in Late Eighteenth-Century Brazil Hunold Lara 2002 Slavery and Abolition
Book Reviews 2002 Slavery and Abolition
"Sugar and Slavery: An Economic History of the British West Indies, 1623-1775," by Richard B. Sheridan Craton 2002 Journal of Caribbean History
Survivors of the Middle Passage: Life Histories of Enslaved Africans in British America Handler 2002
En Plena Libertad y Democracia: Negros Brujos and the Social Question, 1904-1919. Bronfman 2002 Hispanic American Historical Review
Roles de género en el trabajo. Estrategias de ingreso, identidad laboral y clientelismo Ruiz 2002 Revista trabajo y Sociedad
Jorge Parodi, To Be a Worker: Identity and Politics in Peru. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press, 2000. 208 pp. Paper. Balbuna-Gonzalez 2002 International Labor and Working class History
¿Existe la historia regional? Miño Grijalva 2002 Historia Mexicana
Domestic Institutions: Transatlantic Gender Politics and Economic Power in Frederick Douglass' Variant Narratives Sweeney 2002 Slavery and Abolition
Privatización y crisis laboral en la Argentina de los años noventa Duarte 2002 Estudios del trabajo
Disentangling Eden: Getting Development Right in the Amazon. Hall 2002 Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe / European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies
O Novo (e Precário) Mundo do Trabalho: Reestruturação Produtiva e Crise do Sindicalismo - de Giovanni Alves  Iñigo Carrera 2002 Lutas sociais
African Abrahams, Lucretias and Men of Sorrows: Allegory and Allusion in the Brazilian Anti-slavery Lithographs (1827-1835) of Johann Moritz Rugendas Slenes 2002 Slavery and Abolition
Sweated Labor: The Politics of Representation and Reform. Nolan 2002 International Labor and Working class History
Modernización agroindustrial, demanda laboral y precarización Tsakoumagkos 2002 Revista trabajo y Sociedad
Annual Bibliographical Supplement (2001) Miller 2002 Slavery and Abolition
"Doctors and Slaves: A Medical and Demographic History of Slavery in the British West Indies, 1680-1834," by Richard B. Sheridan Savitt 2002 Journal of Caribbean History
Se fue, ¿a volver?. Imaginarios, familia y redes sociales en la migración ecuatoriana a España (1997-2000) Goycoechea 2002 Íconos
La emigración española a América en medio milenio: pautas sociales. Sánchez-Albornoz 2002 Historia Social
A Bermuda Smuggling-Slave Trade: The 'Manilla Wreck' Opens Pandora's Box Smith 2002 Slavery and Abolition
El monopolio estatal del mercurio en Nueva España durante el siglo XVIII. Dobado González 2002 Hispanic American Historical Review
Ya es tiempo de actuar. El proceso de organización de los profesores en el Estado de México, 1921-1959 de Norberto López Ponce. Loyo 2002 Historia Mexicana
Black Latin America: Legacies of Slavery, Race, and African Culture. Schwartz 2002 Hispanic American Historical Review
Slave-Trade Nomenclature and African Ethnicities in the Americas: Evidence from Early Eighteenth-Century Costa Rica Lohse 2002 Slavery and Abolition
Reestructuración y trabajo en la producción lechera de la pampa húmeda bonaerense Quaranta 2002 Estudios del trabajo
