Journal articles

This database consists of articles on labour and topics related to this issue and some reviews. Click here for a list of the journals included in this database. We are still working to add a larger variety of journals and reviews from different countries and continents.

Title Author Year Journalsort descending Online
Labour Relations during and after Apprenticeship: Amity Hall, Jamaica, 1834–1840 Morgan 2012 Slavery and Abolition
‘With grains in her hair’: rice in colonial Brazil Carney 2004 Slavery and Abolition
Why Joanna Baptista Sold Herself into Slavery: Indian Women in Portuguese Amazonia, 1755–1798 Sommer 2013 Slavery and Abolition
‘A Limited Sort of Property’: History, Memory and the Slave Ship Zong Rupprecht 2008 Slavery and Abolition
‘Send Back the Money’!: The Free Church of Scotland and American Slavery Mullen 2014 Slavery and Abolition
Dislocating Race and Nation: Episodes in Nineteenth-Century American Literary Nationalism Bernier 2010 Slavery and Abolition
Opportunist or Patriot? Julien Raimond (1744–1801) and the Haitian Revolution Garrigus 2007 Slavery and Abolition
Feeding the City: From Street Market to Liberal Reform in Salvador, Brazil, 1780–1860 Earle 2011 Slavery and Abolition
Brésil: Quatre siècles d'esclavage. Nouvelles questions, nouvelles recherches Price 2013 Slavery and Abolition
West African Warfare in Bahia and Cuba: Soldier Slaves in the Atlantic World, 1807–1844: Negro Comrades of the Crown: African Americans and the British Empire Fight the U.S. Before Emancipation Lockley 2015 Slavery and Abolition
The Evolution of the Brazilian Community in Ouidah Law 2001 Slavery and Abolition
Slavery in a Texas Seaport: The Peculiar Institution in Galveston Shelton 2007 Slavery and Abolition
Migration, Trade, and Slavery in an Expanding World: Essays in Honor of Pieter Emmer Hoefte 2011 Slavery and Abolition
Black Gotham: a family history of African Americans in nineteenth-century New York City Homberger 2012 Slavery and Abolition
A trio of talented women: abolition, gender, and political participation, 1780–91 Jennings 2005 Slavery and Abolition
Unseeing the Unspeakable: Visualizing Artistry, Authority and the Anti-Slave Narrative in Bill Traylor's Drawings (1939–1942) Bernier 2013 Slavery and Abolition
The First Person in Antislavery Literature: John Woolman, his Clothes and his Journal Plank 2009 Slavery and Abolition
Democracy, Civil Society and Antislavery in Tocquevillian Perspective Drescher 2014 Slavery and Abolition
Domestic Institutions: Transatlantic Gender Politics and Economic Power in Frederick Douglass' Variant Narratives Sweeney 2002 Slavery and Abolition
Notes and documents - On the Early Use and Origin of the Term 'Obeah' in Barbados and the Anglophone Caribbean Handler 2001 Slavery and Abolition
Sampling Many Pots: An Archaeology of Memory and Tradition at a Bahamian Plantation Mullins 2007 Slavery and Abolition
The Seventeenth-century Slave Trade in the Documents of the English, Dutch, Swedish, Danish and Prussian Royal Slave Trading Companies Sutton 2015 Slavery and Abolition
The Grateful Slave: The Emergence of Race in Eighteenth-Century British and American Culture Gould 2009 Slavery and Abolition
‘Lives of living death’: The reproductive lives of slave women in the cane world of Louisiana Follett 2005 Slavery and Abolition
Emancipation's Diaspora: Race and Reconstruction in the Upper Midwest Kelly 2011 Slavery and Abolition
