Journal articles

This database consists of articles on labour and topics related to this issue and some reviews. Click here for a list of the journals included in this database. We are still working to add a larger variety of journals and reviews from different countries and continents.

Title Author Yearsort descending Journal Online
It Could Be You! Military Conscription and Selection Bias in Rural Honduras. Dorling 2000 Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe / European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Women in the Trinidad Cocoa Industry, 1870-1945 Lewis 2000 Journal of Caribbean History
‘Black Frenchmen’ and ‘white settlers’: Race, slavery, and the creation of African‐American identities along the northwest frontier, 1790–1840 Grivno 2000 Slavery and Abolition
Where the Earth Touches the Sky: The Xavante Indians' Struggle for Land in Brazil, 1951-1979 . Garfield 2000 Hispanic American Historical Review
‘One of the Fertilest Pleasentest Spotts’: An analysis of the slave economy in Jamaica's St Andrew parish, 1753 Ryden 2000 Slavery and Abolition
Bienes comunes y conflictos por los recursos rurales, siglos XIX y XX. González De Molina 2000 Historia Social
Integración, exclusión y vulnerabilidad del campesino ocupante en Argentina Paz 2000 Revista trabajo y Sociedad
The delegalization of slavery in British India Temperley 2000 Slavery and Abolition
Slavery: Annual bibliographical supplement (1999) Miller 2000 Slavery and Abolition
Indicadores del mercado laboral y cambios distributivos en Santiago del Estero - La Banda durante los noventa Díaz 2000 Estudios del trabajo
The Latin American Labor Studies Boom. French 2000 International Review of Social History
Emancipation in Haiti: From plantation labour to peasant proprietorship Fick 2000 Slavery and Abolition
Empresarios, empresa y grupos económicos en el norte de México. Monterrey: del Estado oligárquico a la globalización. Cerutti 2000 Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe / European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies
"Fallen Sisters"? Attitudes to Female Prostitution in Jamaica at the Turn of the Twentieth Century Moore 2000 Journal of Caribbean History
‘New ideas of correctness’: Gender, amelioration and emancipation in Barbados, 1810s‐50s Newton 2000 Slavery and Abolition
García Añoveros, Jesús María. El pensamiento y los argumentos sobre la esclavitud en Europa en el siglo XVI y su aplicación a los indios americanos y a los negros africanos. Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2000. 235 p. Borges 2000 Revista complutense de historia de América
The Heathen Castes of Sixteenth-Century Portuguese America: Unity, Diversity, and the Invention of the Brazilian Indians . Monteiro 2000 Hispanic American Historical Review
La sociología del trabajo hoy. La genealogía de un paradigma Castillo 2000 Revista trabajo y Sociedad
Masters and marriages, profits and paternalism: Slave owners’ perspectives on cross‐plantation unions in antebellum South Carolina West 2000 Slavery and Abolition
El mercurio y la producción minera en la Nueva España (1810-1821) Romero Sotelo 2000 Historia Mexicana
Coffee Anyone? Recent Research on Latin American Coffee Societies. Topik 2000 Hispanic American Historical Review
The end of slavery and the end of empire: Slave emancipation in Cuba and Puerto Rico Schmidt‐Nowara 2000 Slavery and Abolition
Slavery: Annual bibliographical supplement (1999) Miller 2000 Slavery and Abolition
Crisis económica y conciencia de clase: el caso de las comunidades rurales industriales de Canadá Winson 2000 Estudios del trabajo
La recuperación de la experiencia histórica: Un comentario sobre E. P. Thompson Sorgentini 2000 Revista Sociohistórica
