Journal articles

This database consists of articles on labour and topics related to this issue and some reviews. Click here for a list of the journals included in this database. We are still working to add a larger variety of journals and reviews from different countries and continents.

Title Author Yearsort descending Journal Online
Javier Auyero, Poor People's Politics: Peronist Survival Networks and the Legacy of Evita. Durham: Duke University Press, 2001. 296 pp. Karusch 2004 International Labor and Working class History
Poder popular y Cordones Industriales 2004 Palimpsesto
Slave rebellion and resistance in the Aden Protectorate in the mid-twentieth century Miers 2004 Slavery and Abolition
White Slavery and Whiteness: A Transnational View of the Sources of Working-Class Radicalism and Racism. Peck 2004 Labor
Cooperação e cooperativas: instrumentos de organização e de resistência dos trabalhadores sem-terra Uemori 2004 Lutas sociais
El empleo agrícola en el contexto de reestructuración económica argentina: los trabajadores cosecheros del citrus en el noroeste entrerriano Tadeo 2004 Estudios del trabajo
They Call Us Thieves and Steal Our Wage: Toward a Reinterpretation of the Salvadoran Rural Mobilization, 1929–1931 Gould 2004 Hispanic American Historical Review
Where to go from here? New Perspectives on Global Migration History. Lucassen 2004 International Review of Social History
La Integración Latinoamericana y los productores agrícolas: Chile 1960-1976 2004 Palimpsesto
How Cuba burned with the ghosts of British slavery: race, abolition and the Escalera Curry-Machado 2004 Slavery and Abolition
Revisión del caso Jenkins: la confrontación del mito. Lafrance 2004 Historia Mexicana
Paniagua Pérez, Jesús; Truhan Deborah L. Oficios y actividad paragremial en la Real Audiencia de Quito (1557-1730): el Corregimiento de Cuenca. León: Universidad de León. Secretariado de Publicaciones y Medios Audiovisuales, 2003. 626 p. Hilton 2004 Revista complutense de historia de América
Popular Publics: Street Protest and Plaza Preachers in Caracas. Smilde 2004 International Review of Social History
"Great House Rules: Landless Emancipation and Workers' Protest in Barbados, 1838-1938," by Hilary McD. Beckles and "Chattel House Blues: Making a Democracy in Barbados: From Clement Payne to Owen Arthur," by Hilary McD. Beckles Morris 2004 Journal of Caribbean History
Producción y mercados de la agroindustria azucarera del distrito de Cuernavaca, en la primera mitad del siglo XIX. Sánchez I Santiró 2004 Historia Mexicana
Ben Fallaw, Cárdenas Compromised:The Failure of Reform in Postrevolutionary Yucatán. London: Duke University Press, 2001. 222 pp. Pansters 2004 International Labor and Working class History
A Nation Born to Slavery: Missionaries and Racial Discourse in Seventeenth-Century French Antilles. Peabody 2004 Journal of Social History
La Izquierda chilena en la década de 1950: socialistas, comunistas y sus contradicciones 2004 Palimpsesto
M. Beattie, The Tribute of Blood: Army, Honor, Race, and Nation in Brazil, 1864–1945. Durham: Duke University Press, 2001. xxiv + 390 pp. Woodard 2004 International Labor and Working class History
Slave mortality and African origins: a view from Cartagena, Colombia, in the early seventeenth century Newson 2004 Slavery and Abolition
A Special Class of Labor: Mexican (Im)Migrants, Immigration Debate, and Industrial Agriculture in the Rural Midwest. Mapes 2004 Labor
La protesta laboral en los ’90. El caso de la CTA Armelino 2004 Estudios del trabajo
His Majesty's Most Loyal Vassals: The Indian Nobility and Túpac Amaru. Garret 2004 Hispanic American Historical Review
La economía indígena araucana y la frontera del Bio-Bio, 1550 – 1880 2004 Palimpsesto
‘Goin' back over there to see that girl’: Competing social spaces in the lives of the enslaved in Antebellum North Carolina Griffin 2004 Slavery and Abolition
