Journal articles

This database consists of articles on labour and topics related to this issue and some reviews. Click here for a list of the journals included in this database. We are still working to add a larger variety of journals and reviews from different countries and continents.

Title Author Yearsort descending Journal Online
Notes and documents - New Biographical Evidence on Somerset's Case Weiner 2002 Slavery and Abolition
Monuments to Freedom, Monuments to Nation: The Politics of Emancipation and Remembrance in the Eastern Caribbean Brown 2002 Slavery and Abolition
Nuevas formas de intermediación en un mercado tradicional de trabajo agrario Bendini 2002 Revista trabajo y Sociedad
Roles de género en el trabajo. Estrategias de ingreso, identidad laboral y clientelismo Ruiz 2002 Revista trabajo y Sociedad
El ganado comunal en la Mixteca Alta de la época colonial al siglo XX. El caso de Tepelmeme. Mendoza García 2002 Historia Mexicana
Ensayando neutralizar el olvido. Sobre el cimarronaje americano. Miquel 2002 Historia Social
The Vanguard Landowners of Buenos Aires: A New Production Model, 1856-1900. Sesto 2002 Hispanic American Historical Review
'I Could Not Stay There': Enslaved Women, Truancy and the Geography of Everyday Forms of Resistance in the Antebellum Plantation South Camp 2002 Slavery and Abolition
To Lose One's Soul: Blasphemy and Slavery in New Spain, 1596-1669. Villa Flores 2002 Hispanic American Historical Review
Neighbourhoods and Solidarity in the Natchez District of Mississippi: Rethinking the Antebellum Slave Community Kaye 2002 Slavery and Abolition
Reestructuración y trabajo en la producción lechera de la pampa húmeda bonaerense Quaranta 2002 Estudios del trabajo
The Fragility of the Moment: Politics and Class in the Aftermath of the 1944 Argentine Earthquake. Healey 2002 International Labor and Working class History
'Arms Like Polished Iron': The Black Slave Body in Narratives of a Slave Ship Revolt Bernier 2002 Slavery and Abolition
Notes and Documents - 'The African Daughter: A True Tale': A New Edition Dizard 2002 Slavery and Abolition
Se fue, ¿a volver?. Imaginarios, familia y redes sociales en la migración ecuatoriana a España (1997-2000) Goycoechea 2002 Íconos
Modernización agroindustrial, demanda laboral y precarización Tsakoumagkos 2002 Revista trabajo y Sociedad
Élites e identidades una visión de la sociedad meridana de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. Várguez Pasos 2002 Historia Mexicana
O Novo (e Precário) Mundo do Trabalho: Reestruturação Produtiva e Crise do Sindicalismo - de Giovanni Alves  Iñigo Carrera 2002 Lutas sociais
Three Slaveholders in the Antilles: Saint-Domingue, Martinique and Jamaica Forster 2002 Journal of Caribbean History
The Rhode Island Slave-Traders: Butchers, Bakers and Candlestick-Makers Chernos Lin 2002 Slavery and Abolition
A Safe Haven: Runaway Slaves, Mocambos, and Borders in Colonial Amazonia, Brazil. Santos Gomes 2002 Hispanic American Historical Review
Survivors of the Middle Passage: Life Histories of Enslaved Africans in British America Handler 2002
Los graduados recientes de carreras "modernas". Entre los desequilibrios del mercado de trabajo y las promesas de la modernización Gómez 2002 Estudios del trabajo
Jorge Parodi, To Be a Worker: Identity and Politics in Peru. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press, 2000. 208 pp. Paper. Balbuna-Gonzalez 2002 International Labor and Working class History
'An Outrage on All Decency': Abolitionist Reactions to Flogging Jamaican Slave Women, 1780-1834 Altink 2002 Slavery and Abolition
