Journal articles

This database consists of articles on labour and topics related to this issue and some reviews. Click here for a list of the journals included in this database. We are still working to add a larger variety of journals and reviews from different countries and continents.

Title Author Year Journalsort descending Online
Characters of Blood: Black Heroism in the Transatlantic Imagination Jenkins 2014 Slavery and Abolition
Creolizing Freedom: French–Creole Translations of Liberty and Equality in the Haitian Revolution Joseph-Gabriel 2015 Slavery and Abolition
Imagining Transatlantic Slavery Rupprecht 2011 Slavery and Abolition
His Brothers' Keeper: John Brown, Moral Stewardship and Interracial Abolitionism McDaniel 2011 Slavery and Abolition
Resisting slavery in the Philippines: ambivalent domestication and the reversibility of comparisons Salman 2004 Slavery and Abolition
Sugar, Slavery and Freedom in Nineteenth-century Puerto Rico Martínez-Fernández 2007 Slavery and Abolition
Covenanters and Antislavery in the Atlantic World Moore 2013 Slavery and Abolition
Livestock, Sugar and Slavery: Contested Terrain in Colonial Jamaica Burnard 2012 Slavery and Abolition
African American Slavery and Disability Kenny 2014 Slavery and Abolition
Shifting Paradigms in the Study of the African Diaspora and of Atlantic History and Culture Mann 2001 Slavery and Abolition
Remembering Slavery and Abolition in Bristol Dresser F.R.Hist.S. 2009 Slavery and Abolition
Parliament and Slavery, 1660–c.1710 Paley 2010 Slavery and Abolition
Brazilian Slaves Represented in their Own Words Krueger 2002 Slavery and Abolition
Black Caribbean Empowerment and Early Eighteenth-Century Moravian Missions Documents Raphael-Hernandez 2015 Slavery and Abolition
The Spirits and the Law: Vodou and Power in Haiti Sheller 2013 Slavery and Abolition
SLAVERY: ANNUAL BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SUPPLEMENT (2010) Thurston 2011 Slavery and Abolition
INTRODUCTION: Rethinking Place, Time and Subjectivity in Atlantic World Slave Societies Smithers 2011 Slavery and Abolition
Gender and republican citizenship in the French West Indies, 1848–1945 Cottias 2005 Slavery and Abolition
Interspatialism in the Nineteenth-century South: The Natchez of Henry Norman Stauffer 2008 Slavery and Abolition
Texas Terror: The Slave Insurrection Panic of 1860 and the Secession of the Lower South Plath 2009 Slavery and Abolition
Slave Suicide, Abolition and the Problem of Resistance Bell 2013 Slavery and Abolition
The Struggles of John Brown Russwurm: The Life and Writings of a Pan-Africanist Pioneer, 1799–1851 Ernest 2012 Slavery and Abolition
Social Dismemberment, Social (Re)membering: Obeah Idioms, Kromanti Identities and the Trans-Atlantic Politics of Memory, c. 1675–Present Krug 2014 Slavery and Abolition
Book Reviews 2001 Slavery and Abolition
Facilitating the Slave Trade: Company Slaves at Cape Coast Castle, 1750–1807 Reese 2010 Slavery and Abolition
