Journal articles

This database consists of articles on labour and topics related to this issue and some reviews. Click here for a list of the journals included in this database. We are still working to add a larger variety of journals and reviews from different countries and continents.

Title Author Year Journalsort ascending Online
Anthony Benezet's Transformation of Anti-Slavery Rhetoric Crosby 2002 Slavery and Abolition
Valency and Abjection in the Lynching Postcard: A Test Case in the Reclamation of Black Visual Culture Wood 2013 Slavery and Abolition
Blacks of the Rosary: Memory and History in Minas Gerais, Brazil Schwartz 2007 Slavery and Abolition
Reconfiguring Slavery: West African Trajectories Lovejoy 2010 Slavery and Abolition
Plantation Labourer Rebellions, Material Culture and Events: Historical Archaeology at Geneva Estate, Grand Bay, Commonwealth of Dominica Lenik 2014 Slavery and Abolition
Protection, Political Exile, and the Atlantic Slave Trade: History and Collective Memory in Dahomey Bay Slavery and Abolition
Till Death Do Us Part: Testamentary Manumission in Seventeenth-Century Lima, Peru McKinley 2012 Slavery and Abolition
Deviant and dangerous: Pro-slavery representations of Jamaican slave women's sexuality, c. 1780–1834 Altink 2005 Slavery and Abolition
The Case for Reparations for Slavery in the Caribbean Brophy 2014 Slavery and Abolition
Slavery, Resistance, Freedom Smith 2009 Slavery and Abolition
Sweet Negotiations. Sugar, Slavery, and Plantation Agriculture in Early Barbados Zahedieh 2010 Slavery and Abolition
In the Eye of All Trade: Bermuda, Bermudians, and the Maritime Atlantic World, 1680–1783 Maxwell 2011 Slavery and Abolition
Slavery and Colonial Representations in Indochina from the Second Half of the Nineteenth to the Early Twentieth Century Delaye 2003 Slavery and Abolition
“Save our Shit. Save our Souls. Save our Struggle”: Politics, Protest and Aesthetic Experimentation in The BLK Art Group Exhibition (2011–12) Bernier 2013 Slavery and Abolition
Atlantic Slavery and Traumatic Representation in Museums: The National Great Blacks in Wax Museum as a Test Case Wood 2008 Slavery and Abolition
Paths to Freedom: Manumission in the Atlantic World Peabody 2011 Slavery and Abolition
Slave Crucibles: Interstate Migrants and Social Assimilation in the Antebellum South Pargas 2015 Slavery and Abolition
Slavery and the Debate over Ratification of the United States Constitution Morgan 2001 Slavery and Abolition
The Fante and the Transatlantic slave trade Kriger 2012 Slavery and Abolition
Children and slavery in the new world: A review Campbell 2006 Slavery and Abolition
Freedom, Identity, and the Social History of Empire in Atlantic Cuba, 1795–1817 Guadalupe Ortega 2014 Slavery and Abolition
Joining Places: Slave Neighborhoods in the Old South Sidbury 2009 Slavery and Abolition
Vital Enemies. Slavery, Predation, and the Amerindian Political Economy of Life Soulodre-La France 2010 Slavery and Abolition
The Baptism of Early Virginia: How Christianity Created Race Wood 2014 Slavery and Abolition
The Atlantic Slave Trade to Maranhão, 1680–1846: Volume, Routes and Organisation Domingues da Silva 2008 Slavery and Abolition
