Journal articles

This database consists of articles on labour and topics related to this issue and some reviews. Click here for a list of the journals included in this database. We are still working to add a larger variety of journals and reviews from different countries and continents.

Title Author Year Journalsort descending Online
El retrato de una quimera. Testigos mudos del ideal de la burgueía agraria Balboa Navarro 2014 Caribbean Studies
Más allá del azúcar: política, diversificación y prácticas económicas en Cuba, 1878-1930 (review) Chinea 2010 Caribbean Studies
Negro sobre blanco: La conspiración esclava de 1812 en Puerto Rico Pinto 2012 Caribbean Studies
Afro-Cuban Experiences of Exile in the Bronx Lewis 2008 Caribbean Studies
La Amistad de Cuba: Ramón Ferrer, contrabando de esclavos, captividad y modernidad atlántica Zeuske 2009 Caribbean Studies
De políticos, migrantes y economía de frontera en la costa Caribe de Colombia en el siglo XIX Vidal Ortega 2014 Caribbean Studies
Women's Employment and Changing Gender Relations in Puerto Rico Colón Warren 2010 Caribbean Studies
Blazing Cane: Sugar Communities, Class, and State Formation in Cuba, 1868–1959 (review) Pearce Sullivan 2011 Caribbean Studies
White Creole Culture, Politics and Identity During the Age of Abolition(review) Nicole Mitchell 2008 Caribbean Studies
The Art of Power: Poison and Obeah Accusations and the Struggle for Dominance and Survival in Jamaica’s Slave Society Turner Bryson 2013 Caribbean Studies
Guantánamo: A Working-Class History between Empire and Revolution(review) Cushion 2010 Caribbean Studies
In Memoriam: Pour Aimé Césaire Chaulet Achour 2008 Caribbean Studies
Late Slavery and Emancipation in the Greater Caribbean Burnard 2013 Caribbean Studies
Los perversos indigenismos caribeños Martínez-San Miguel 2008 Caribbean Studies
American Mediterranean: Southern Slaveholders in the Age of Emancipation(review) Rood 2009 Caribbean Studies
Sugar, Empire, and Revolution in Eastern Cuba: The Guantánamo Sugar Company Records in the Cuban Heritage Collection Casey 2014 Caribbean Studies
Negotiating Paradise: U.S. Tourism and Empire in Twentieth-Century Latin America (review) Scott 2010 Caribbean Studies
The Colonial State in the Caribbean: Structural Analysis and Changing Elite Networks in Suriname, 1650–1920 (review) Gamaliel Ramos 2012 Caribbean Studies
Martinique, Memory, Césaire Price 2008 Caribbean Studies
El discurso de Caliban, o de la filosofía en el Caribe Valdés García 2009 Caribbean Studies
Comerciantes italianos en Barranquilla, 1905-1919 Vidal 2014 Caribbean Studies
Autonomy Begins at Home: A Gendered Perspective on Indigenous Autonomy Movements Nash 2010 Caribbean Studies
Land Reform in Puerto Rico: Modernizing the Colonial State, 1941–1969(review) Escobar González 2011 Caribbean Studies
Trinidad de Cuba: Corsarios, azúcar, y revolución en el Caribe (review) Venegas Fornias 2008 Caribbean Studies
Being Black Ain’t So Bad… Dominican Immigrant Women Negotiating Race in Contemporary Italy García-Peña 2013 Caribbean Studies
