Journal articles

This database consists of articles on labour and topics related to this issue and some reviews. Click here for a list of the journals included in this database. We are still working to add a larger variety of journals and reviews from different countries and continents.

Title Author Year Journalsort descending Online
Sugar and Power in the Caribbean. The South Porto Rico Sugar Company in Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic, 1900–1921 by Humberto García Muñiz (review) LeGrand 2013 Caribbean Studies
Caribbean Journeys: An Ethnography of Migration and Home in Three Family Networks (review) Carnegie 2009 Caribbean Studies
Puerto Ricans in the Empire: Tobacco Growers and U.S. Colonialism by Teresita A. Levy (review) Franqui-Rivera 2014 Caribbean Studies
Downtown Ladies: Informal Commercial Importers, a Haitian Anthropologist, and Self-Making in Jamaica (review) Harrison 2012 Caribbean Studies
Portable Roots: Latin New Yorker Community Building and the Meanings of Women's Return Migration in San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1960-2000 Findlay 2009 Caribbean Studies
The Informal Communication Network Built by Domingo del Monte from Havana Between 1824 and 1845 Aguilera Manzano 2009 Caribbean Studies
El progreso del azúcar es el progreso de Cuba. La industria azucarera y la economía cubana a principios del siglo XX desde el análisis de una fuente: El Azúcar. Revista Industrial Técnico-Práctica Santamaría García 2014 Caribbean Studies
Three Ancient Colonies: Caribbean Themes and Variations (review) Bronfman 2010 Caribbean Studies
DanceHall: From Slaveship to Ghetto (review) Miranda 2011 Caribbean Studies
Finance for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in the Caribbean (review) Maurer 2008 Caribbean Studies
Proslavery Priest: The Atlantic World of John Lindsay, 1729-1788 by B.W. Higman (review) Picó 2013 Caribbean Studies
Globalization and the Post-Creole Imagination: Notes on Fleeing the Plantation (review) Aponte Colón 2010 Caribbean Studies
The Dynamics of Organizational Change in Small Developing Islands: The Case of Curaçao Goede 2011 Caribbean Studies
Reviewing Caribbean Views: An Introduction Giovannetti 2008 Caribbean Studies
History of the Caribbean: Plantations, Trade, and War in the Atlantic World by Frank Moya Pons (review) Girvan 2013 Caribbean Studies
The Absence of an African Presence in Argentina and the Dominican Republic: Caught Between National Folklore and Myth Weyland Usanna 2010 Caribbean Studies
Creolization and Contraband: Curaçao in the Early Modern Atlantic by Linda M. Rupert (review) Le Compte Zambrana 2014 Caribbean Studies
In Memoriam: Para Aimé Césaire 2008 Caribbean Studies
Caribbean Agriculture in a Period of Global Change: Vulnerabilities and Opportunities Barker 2012 Caribbean Studies
Havana Hub: Cuban Anarchism, Radical Media and the Trans-Caribbean Anarchist Network, 1902-1915 Shaffer 2009 Caribbean Studies
Portuguese Labor Migration towards Curaçao Do Rego 2014 Caribbean Studies
Brother's Keeper: The United States, Race, and Empire in the British Caribbean, 1937-1962 (review) Johnson 2010 Caribbean Studies
Vanishing Complainants: The Place of Violence in Family, Gender, Work, and Law Lazarus-Black 2008 Caribbean Studies
Gwadloup sé tan nou! (Guadalupe es nuestra): EL impacto de la huelga general en el imaginario político de las Antillas Francesas Bonilla 2012 Caribbean Studies
The State and Small-Scale Fisheries in Puerto Rico (review) Del Pozo 2008 Caribbean Studies
