Journal articles

This database consists of articles on labour and topics related to this issue and some reviews. Click here for a list of the journals included in this database. We are still working to add a larger variety of journals and reviews from different countries and continents.

Title Author Year Journalsort descending Online
“Learning to be a Man”: Afro-Caribbean Seamen and Maritime Workers from Curaçao in the Beginning of the Twentieth Century Mary Allen 2011 Caribbean Studies
Cuban Sugar Industry. Transnational Networks and Engineering in Mid-Nineteenth Century Cuba by Jonathan Curry-Machado (review) Zanetti Lecuona 2013 Caribbean Studies
In Memoriam: Pour Aimé Césaire 2008 Caribbean Studies
From Colony to Nation: Women Activists and the Gendering of Politics in Belize, 1912-1982 (review) Hernández-Angueira 2009 Caribbean Studies
Negocios en la frontera: Agricultura, comercio y actividad extractiva en La Guajira colombiana, 1870-1930 Viloria de la Hoz 2014 Caribbean Studies
Paying the price: the banana trade in focus Clegg 2008 Caribbean Studies
"Envíos gratis" de remesas a la República Dominicana: una ilusión óptica Leal 2010 Caribbean Studies
Caribbean Middlebrow: Leisure Culture and the Middle Class (review) Byrd 2012 Caribbean Studies
Dark Side of the Light: Slavery and the French Enlightenment (review) Ogle 2009 Caribbean Studies
The Diaspora Strikes Back: Caribeño Tales of Learning and Turning (review) Miranda 2010 Caribbean Studies
The Devil behind the Mirror: Globalization and Politics in the Dominican Republic, and : Negociando la aldea global con un pie “aquí” otro “allá”: La diáspora femenina dominicana y la transculturalidad como alternativa descolonizadora (review) Hoffnung-Garskof 2011 Caribbean Studies
Black Flag Boricuas: Anarchism, Antiauthoritarianism, and the Left in Puerto Rico, 1897-1921 by Kirwin R. Shaffer (review) Meléndez Badillo 2013 Caribbean Studies
True-Born Maroons (review) Heuman 2008 Caribbean Studies
Puerto Ricans in the Empire: Tobacco Growers and U.S. Colonialism by Teresita A. Levy (review) Franqui-Rivera 2014 Caribbean Studies
The Informal Communication Network Built by Domingo del Monte from Havana Between 1824 and 1845 Aguilera Manzano 2009 Caribbean Studies
Género, estructuras familiares y segregación de la fuerza laboral puertorriqueña y dominicana en Puerto Rico Colón Warren 2011 Caribbean Studies
Sugar and Power in the Caribbean. The South Porto Rico Sugar Company in Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic, 1900–1921 by Humberto García Muñiz (review) LeGrand 2013 Caribbean Studies
Caribbean Journeys: An Ethnography of Migration and Home in Three Family Networks (review) Carnegie 2009 Caribbean Studies
El progreso del azúcar es el progreso de Cuba. La industria azucarera y la economía cubana a principios del siglo XX desde el análisis de una fuente: El Azúcar. Revista Industrial Técnico-Práctica Santamaría García 2014 Caribbean Studies
Finance for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in the Caribbean (review) Maurer 2008 Caribbean Studies
Three Ancient Colonies: Caribbean Themes and Variations (review) Bronfman 2010 Caribbean Studies
Downtown Ladies: Informal Commercial Importers, a Haitian Anthropologist, and Self-Making in Jamaica (review) Harrison 2012 Caribbean Studies
Portable Roots: Latin New Yorker Community Building and the Meanings of Women's Return Migration in San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1960-2000 Findlay 2009 Caribbean Studies
Globalization and the Post-Creole Imagination: Notes on Fleeing the Plantation (review) Aponte Colón 2010 Caribbean Studies
DanceHall: From Slaveship to Ghetto (review) Miranda 2011 Caribbean Studies
