Journal articles

This database consists of articles on labour and topics related to this issue and some reviews. Click here for a list of the journals included in this database. We are still working to add a larger variety of journals and reviews from different countries and continents.

Title Author Yearsort descending Journal Online
Once We Were Corn Grinders: Women and Labor in the Tortilla Industry of Guadalajara, 1920–1940. Fernández-Acebes 2003 International Labor and Working class History
Book Reviews Atkin Book (Reviews Editor) 2003 Slavery and Abolition
Reestruturações produtivas nos tempos de crise: reflexões sobre a nova (des)ordem  Antognazzi 2003 Lutas sociais
Dinámica económica y empleo: reflexiones acerca de sucesos inevitables Serino 2003 Estudios del trabajo
¿Hijos de los barcos o diversidad invisibilizada? La articulación de la población indígena en la construcción nacional argentina (siglo XIX). Quijada Mauriño 2003 Historia Mexicana
Justice by Paperwork: a Day in Life of a Court Scribe in Bourbon Mexico City. Scardaville 2003 Journal of Social History
Popular Liberalism and Indian Servitude: The Making and Unmaking of Ecuador's Antilandlord State, 1845–1868. Williams 2003 Hispanic American Historical Review
Stephanie Barrientos, Anna Bee, Ann Matear, and Isabel Vogel, Women and Agribusiness: Working Miracles in the Chilean Fruit Export Sector. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1999. xv + 231 pp. Tinsman 2003 International Labor and Working class History
El comercio de valores éticos: Las reglas del juego del café solidario. Linck 2003 Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe / European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Legislación gremial y prácticas gremiales: Los artesanos de pasto (1796 - 1850) 2003 Historia Crítica
La política económica del gobierno de Lucio Gutiérrez. Una perspectiva desde la economía política Correa 2003 Íconos
Voices and Silences: The Problem of Slave Testimony in the English West Indian Law Court Zacek 2003 Slavery and Abolition
Manuel Gamio: el inicio de las investigaciones sobre la inmigración mexicana a Estados [Unidos]. Alanís Enciso 2003 Historia Mexicana
The Upper Classes and Their Upper Stories: Architecture and the Aftermath of the Lima Earthquake of 1746. Walker 2003 Hispanic American Historical Review
Neoliberalismo, resistência popular e saúde mental Secco 2003 Lutas sociais
Gender, Work, and Working-Class Women's Culture in the Veracruz Coffee Export Industry, 1920–1945. Fowler Salamini 2003 International Labor and Working class History
Introduction: Slavery and other forms of Unfree Labour in the Indian Ocean World Campbell 2003 Slavery and Abolition
La globalización: ¿Un concepto exclusivo? 2003 Historia Crítica
La transición entre la escuela secundaria y el empleo: los recorridos de los jóvenes en el Gran Buenos Aires Filmus 2003 Estudios del trabajo
Jerarquía fabril y cualificación en la industria textil durante el último tercio de siglo XX. Enrech 2003 Historia Social
El proceso de constitución de la clase dominante en la Argentina Duek 2003 Revista trabajo y Sociedad
O conflito capital-trabalho na competição global Gonçalves 2003 Lutas sociais
Maize-Beer, Grossip, and Slander: Female Tavern Proprietors and Urban, Ethnic Cultural Elaboration in Bolivia, 1870-1930. Hames 2003 Journal of Social History
Dale Hathaway, Allies Across the Border: Mexico's Authentic Labor Front and Global Solidarity. Cambridge, MA: South End Press, 2000. xx + 267 pp. Hart 2003 International Labor and Working class History
Reconceptualizing the Post-peasantry: Household Strategies in Mexican Ejidos. Schüren 2003 Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe / European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies
