Journal articles

This database consists of articles on labour and topics related to this issue and some reviews. Click here for a list of the journals included in this database. We are still working to add a larger variety of journals and reviews from different countries and continents.

Title Author Yearsort ascending Journal Online
Blood-Stained Sugar: Gender, Commerce and the British Slave-Trade Debates Holcomb 2014 Slavery and Abolition
The Proletarian Jesus in the Shaping of the Socialist Party of America, 1880–1919 Carter 2014 Labor
River of Dark Dreams: Slavery and Imperialism in the Cotton Kingdom Shinn, Jr. 2014 Slavery and Abolition
The Business of Transatlantic Migration between Europe and the United States, 1900–1914  Keeling 2014 International Review of Social History
Del trabajo real al trabajo decente. A propósito de "Del trabajo Real al Trabajo Decente: indicadores de distancia, conceptos y simbolizaciones en la Región De Sena 2014 Revista trabajo y Sociedad
“All Men Are Entitled to Justice By the Government”: Black Workers, Citizenship, Letter Writing, and the World War I State Buchanan 2014 Journal of Social History
Public Memory of Slavery: Victims and Perpetrators in the South Atlantic Araujo 2014 Hispanic American Historical Review
Migraciones de los Kichwasr-Otavalo en Bogotá Ordóñez 2014 Revista de Estudios Sociales
A Renegade Union: Interracial Organizing and Labor Radicalism Adams 2014 Labor
Ordinary Lives in the Early Caribbean: Religion, Colonial Competition, and the Politics of Profit Wheat 2014 Slavery and Abolition
“O movimento como um todo”: ondas e crises Colin 2014 Outubro
Por uma outra política dos sindicatos Pérez Álvarez 2014 Lutas Sociais
Trabalho, território e participação indígena na Guerra dos Cabanos e na Insurreição Praieira: apoios e disputas nas aldeias de Barreiros e Jacuípe (Pernambuco e Alagoas, 1832-1848) Albuquerque Dantas 2014 Mundos do Trabalho
Capitalism's Captives: The Maritime United States Slave Trade, 1807–1850 Reilly 2014 Journal of Social History
Rethinking the Progressive Era AFL: Not Just What, but How and Why Wender Cohen 2013 Labor
Valency and Abjection in the Lynching Postcard: A Test Case in the Reclamation of Black Visual Culture Wood 2013 Slavery and Abolition
The Making of Law: The Supreme Court and Labor Legislation in Mexico, 1875-1931, Suarez-Potts 2013 Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe / European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Subcontratados por el Estado Trabajadores autónomos de la administración pública argentina (2002-2007) Poblete 2013 Revista trabajo y Sociedad
Trabalhadores, greves, campanhas e repressão em Alagoas (1961 – 1964). Da Costa 2013 Mundos do Trabalho
En nombre del hogar proletario: Engendering the 1917 Great Railroad Strike in Argentina. Palermo 2013 Hispanic American Historical Review
Para onde marcham os manifestantes? Goulart 2013 Lutas Sociais
Laws of Chance: Brazil's Clandestine Lottery and the Making of Urban Public Life. By Amy Chazkel (Durham: Duke University Press, 2011. xix plus 337 pp.). Zephry 2013 Journal of Social History
“Save our Shit. Save our Souls. Save our Struggle”: Politics, Protest and Aesthetic Experimentation in The BLK Art Group Exhibition (2011–12) Bernier 2013 Slavery and Abolition
Cuban Sugar Industry. Transnational Networks and Engineering in Mid-Nineteenth Century Cuba by Jonathan Curry-Machado (review) Zanetti Lecuona 2013 Caribbean Studies
Trabajo en movimiento: apuntes para el estudio de la movilidad relacionada al trabajo Mercado Celis 2013 Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios del Trabajo
