Journal articles

This database consists of articles on labour and topics related to this issue and some reviews. Click here for a list of the journals included in this database. We are still working to add a larger variety of journals and reviews from different countries and continents.

Title Authorsort descending Year Journal Online
La época de los militares. Representaciones, categorías y clasificaciones de ex-obreros de Swift en torno a la violencia política y estatal Bretal 2015 Revista Sociohistórica
Glocalidad y reforma agraria: ¿de nuevo el problema irresuelto de la tierra? Bretón 2006 Íconos
La cuestión agraria y los límites del neoliberalismo en América Latina. Diálogo con Cristóbal Kay Bretón 2007 Íconos
Los paradigmas de la nueva ruralidad a debate: El proyecto de desarrollo de los pueblos indígenas y negros del Ecuador. Bretón Solo De Zaldívar 2005 Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe / European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Lucretia Mott's Heresy: Abolition and Women's Rights in Nineteenth-Century America Brill 2013 Slavery and Abolition
Brain Drain and Return Migration in CARICOM: A Review of the Challenges Bristol 2010 Caribbean Studies
Trabajo doméstico remunerado: espacios y desafíos de la visibilidad social Brites 2013 Revista de Estudios Sociales
Os desafios atuais do movimento operário Brodie 2014 Journal of Social History
Um nordeste em São Paulo: trabalhadores migrantes em São Miguel Paulista, 1945 – 66 by Paulo Fontes. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Fundação Getúlio Vargas, 2008 346 pp. Brodwyn 2012 Labor
Restoring the Power of Unions: It Takes a Movement / Wisconsin Uprising: Labor Fights Back Brody 2015 Labor
En Plena Libertad y Democracia: Negros Brujos and the Social Question, 1904-1919. Bronfman 2002 Hispanic American Historical Review
Three Ancient Colonies: Caribbean Themes and Variations (review) Bronfman 2010 Caribbean Studies
"The Virgin, the King, and the Royal Slaves of El Cobre: Negotiating Freedom in Colonial Cuba, 1670 1780," by María Elena Díaz Bronfman 2003 Journal of Caribbean History
The Ideal Sweatshop? Gender and Transnational Protest. Brooks 2002 International Labor and Working class History
Ripe for Emancipation: Rockbridge and Southern Antislavery from Revolution to Civil War Brophy 2012 Slavery and Abolition
Fathers of Conscience: Mixed-Race Inheritance in the Antebellum South Brophy 2011 Slavery and Abolition
Fugitive Slave on Trial: The Anthony Burns Case and Abolitionist Outrage Brophy 2012 Slavery and Abolition
Roadblocks to Freedom: Slavery and Manumission in the United States South Brophy 2013 Slavery and Abolition
The Case for Reparations for Slavery in the Caribbean Brophy 2014 Slavery and Abolition
The Origins of the Southern Middle Class, 1800–1861 Brown 2009 Slavery and Abolition
Monuments to Freedom, Monuments to Nation: The Politics of Emancipation and Remembrance in the Eastern Caribbean Brown 2002 Slavery and Abolition
Spiritual Terror and Sacred Authority in Jamaican Slave Society Brown 2003 Slavery and Abolition
Why Confederates Fought: Family and Nation in Civil War Virginia/Freedom for Themselves: North Carolina's Black Soldiers in the Civil War Era Brown 2010 Slavery and Abolition
The slave family in the transition to freedom: Barbados, 1834–1841 Brown 2005 Slavery and Abolition
Sick from Freedom: African-American Illness and Suffering During the Civil War and Reconstruction Brown 2014 Slavery and Abolition
