Journal articles

This database consists of articles on labour and topics related to this issue and some reviews. Click here for a list of the journals included in this database. We are still working to add a larger variety of journals and reviews from different countries and continents.

Title Authorsort descending Year Journal Online
Forging Freedom: Black Women and the Pursuit of Liberty in Antebellum Charleston West 2013 Slavery and Abolition
The Two lives of Sally Miller West 2009 Slavery and Abolition
The Absence of an African Presence in Argentina and the Dominican Republic: Caught Between National Folklore and Myth Weyland Usanna 2010 Caribbean Studies
Sweatshops Here and There: The Garment Industry, Latinas, and Labor Migrations. Whalen 2002 International Labor and Working class History
Dangerous Trade: Histories of Industrial Hazard across a Globalizing World Whayne 2014 Labor
Ordinary Lives in the Early Caribbean: Religion, Colonial Competition, and the Politics of Profit Wheat 2014 Slavery and Abolition
Mediterranean Slavery, New World Transformations: Galley Slaves in the Spanish Caribbean, 1578–1635 Wheat 2010 Slavery and Abolition
Subjects or Citizens. British Caribbean Workers in Cuba, 1900-1960  Whitney 2014 International Review of Social History
Fifty years of research on ancient slavery: The Mainz Academy project Wiedemann 2000 Slavery and Abolition
Race and Classification: The Case of Mexican America. Edited by Ilona Katzew Susan Deans-Smith. Preface by William B. Taylor. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2009. Photographs. Illustrations. Table. Notes. Index, xxiii, 356 pp. Will De Chaparro 2011 Hispanic American Historical Review
Uncle Tom and Ewythr Robert: Anti-Slavery and Ethnic Reconstruction in Victorian Wales Williams 2012 Slavery and Abolition
Blacks, Indians, and Spaniards in the Eastern Andes: Reclaiming the Forgotten in Colonial Mizque, 1550–1782 Williams 2009 Slavery and Abolition
Popular Liberalism and Indian Servitude: The Making and Unmaking of Ecuador's Antilandlord State, 1845–1868. Williams 2003 Hispanic American Historical Review
No es fácil, pero es posible': The Maintenance of Middle-class Women-headed Households in Mexico. Willis 2000 Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe / European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies
The Cross and the Machete: Native Baptists of Jamaica – Identity, Ministry and Legacy Wilmot 2012 Slavery and Abolition
“A Sense of Possibility and a Belief in Collective Power”: A Labor Strategy Talk with Karen Nussbaum Windham 2015 Labor
Death Squads or Self Defense Forces? How Paramilitary Groups Emerge and Challenge Democracy in Latin America. By Julie Mazzei. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2009. Map. Table. Notes. Bibliography. Index. 261 pp. Winifred 2011 Hispanic American Historical Review
Recent Documentary Films on Latin American Workers. Winn 2006 International Labor and Working class History
Crisis económica y conciencia de clase: el caso de las comunidades rurales industriales de Canadá Winson 2000 Estudios del trabajo
‘The Light of Knowledge Follows the Impulse of Revolutions’: Prince Saunders, Baron de Vastey and the Haitian Influence on Antebellum Black Ideas of Elevation and Education Wirzbicki 2015 Slavery and Abolition
‘It is Unjust for the Law of Marriage to be Broken by the Law of Slavery’: Married Slaves and their Masters in Early Colonial Lima Wisnoski III 2014 Slavery and Abolition
Los jóvenes frente al sindicalismo en Francia Wolff 2008 Revista de trabajo
A classe trabalhadora para além dos mitos [A Reinvenção da classe trabalhadora (1953-1964)]. Wollmann 2013 Mundos do Trabalho
Debating the Slave Trade: Rhetoric of British National Identity, 1759–1815 Wood 2011 Slavery and Abolition
The Baptism of Early Virginia: How Christianity Created Race Wood 2014 Slavery and Abolition
