Journal articles

This database consists of articles on labour and topics related to this issue and some reviews. Click here for a list of the journals included in this database. We are still working to add a larger variety of journals and reviews from different countries and continents.

Title Author Yearsort ascending Journal Online
Aging and Dependency in an Independent Indian Nation: Migrant Families, Workers and Social Experts (1940–60) Schermerhorn 2014 Journal of Social History
Apoyo organizacional hacia la familia, corresponsabilidad y satisfacción laboral según tipo de políticas organizacionales de equilibrio trabajo-familia Besarez Silva 2014 Revista trabajo y Sociedad
Public Memory of Slavery: Victims and Perpetrators in the South Atlantic Araujo 2014 Hispanic American Historical Review
O trabalho infantil no centro e no sul da província de Buenos Aires. Meninas e meninos em fins do século XIX e início do XX. De Paz Trueba 2014 Mundos do Trabalho
APYME en tiempos de flexibilización laboral Martínez Fernández 2014 Revista trabajo y Sociedad
‘Send Back the Money’!: The Free Church of Scotland and American Slavery Mullen 2014 Slavery and Abolition
Terrifying Muslims: Race and Labor in the South Asian Diaspora Vapnek 2014 Labor
Insurrección obrera y compromiso intelectual. Los Libros y Cristianismo y Revolución frente al Cordobazo y el Viborazo Celentano 2014 Archivos de historia del movimiento obrero y la izquierda
Sindicalismo e desempregados: um estudo comparativo das centrais sindicais do Brasil e da Argentina (1990-2002) Cangussu de Souza 2014 Lutas Sociais
Letter from China. Environmental and Labor Change in China: Victims Become the Agents of Change Pandita 2014 International Labor and Working class History
Trayectorias de inserción laboral de mujeres jóvenes pobres: El lugar de los programas de Formación Profesional y sus abordajes de género Millenaar 2014 Revista trabajo y Sociedad
Women’s Power and Community Resilience Rotating Savings and Credit Associations in Barbados and the Bahamas Stoffle 2014 Caribbean Studies
Cuidadoras del ámbito comunitario: entre las expectativas de profesionalización y el ‘altruismo’ Zibecchi 2014 Íconos
Slavery in American Children's Literature, 1790–2010 Newman 2014 Slavery and Abolition
Attitudes to Work, Class Structures, and Social Change: A Review of Recent Historical Studies Ehmer 2014 International Review of Social History
With God on Our Side: The Struggle for Workers' Rights in a Catholic Hospital Mantler 2014 Labor
Democracy, Civil Society and Antislavery in Tocquevillian Perspective Drescher 2014 Slavery and Abolition
Labor's Pink-Collar Aristocracy: The National Secretaries Association's Encounters with Feminism in the Age of Automation Hower 2014 Labor
Autonomía y Migración: los obreros forestales del nordeste de Misiones (Argentina) Schiavoni 2014 Revista trabajo y Sociedad
Subjects or Citizens. British Caribbean Workers in Cuba, 1900-1960  Whitney 2014 International Review of Social History
The Right and Labor in America: Politics, Ideology, and Imagination Cowie 2014 Labor
Être chômeur à Paris, São Paulo, Tokyos Freyssinet 2014 Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios del Trabajo
The Problematic Mr Jefferson Pybus 2014 Slavery and Abolition
Constructing Citizenship: Transnational Workers and Revolution on the Mexico-Guatemala Border, 1880 – 1950 Stromquist 2014 Labor
Ditadura: o que resta da transição Pinheiro 2014 Lutas Sociais
