Journal articles

This database consists of articles on labour and topics related to this issue and some reviews. Click here for a list of the journals included in this database. We are still working to add a larger variety of journals and reviews from different countries and continents.

Title Author Year Journalsort ascending Online
The Moral Politics of Cholera in Postemancipation Jamaica Fryar 2013 Slavery and Abolition
Coolie Woman: The Odyssey of Indenture Brereton 2015 Slavery and Abolition
Comparative approaches to the ending of slavery Engerman 2000 Slavery and Abolition
Post-Emancipation Race Relations in the Bahamas Johnson 2009 Slavery and Abolition
Book reviews 2004 Slavery and Abolition
Abolition: A History of Slavery and Antislavery Oldfield 2011 Slavery and Abolition
‘No Such Thing as a Mulatto Slave’: Legal Pluralism, Racial Descent and the Nuances of Slave Women's Sexual Vulnerability in the Legal Odyssey of Steyntje van de Kaap, c. 1815–1822 Vernal 2008 Slavery and Abolition
‘Those Who Labor for My Happiness’: Slavery at Thomas Jefferson's Monticello Ellis 2013 Slavery and Abolition
Gorge: An African Seaman and his Flights from ‘Freedom’ back to ‘Slavery’ in the Early Nineteenth Century Hawthorne 2010 Slavery and Abolition
Plantations and Homes: The Material Culture of the Early Nineteenth-Century Jamaican Elite Petley 2014 Slavery and Abolition
A ‘Typical Negro’ or a ‘Work of Art’? The ‘Inner’ via the ‘Outer Man’ in Frederick Douglass's Manuscripts and Daguerreotypes Bernier 2012 Slavery and Abolition
Slave and Citizen in Black and Red: Reconsidering the Intersection of African and Indigenous Slavery in Postcolonial Brazil Miki 2014 Slavery and Abolition
Monuments to Freedom, Monuments to Nation: The Politics of Emancipation and Remembrance in the Eastern Caribbean Brown 2002 Slavery and Abolition
Moral Capital: Foundations of British Abolitionism Oldfield 2007 Slavery and Abolition
Buying and Selling Korans in Nineteenth-Century Rio de Janeiro Da Costa e Silva 2001 Slavery and Abolition
The Ultimate Sin: Christianising Slaves in Barbados in the Seventeenth Century Gerbner 2010 Slavery and Abolition
Rice and memory in the age of enslavement: Atlantic passages to Suriname Carney 2005 Slavery and Abolition
Debating the Slave Trade: Rhetoric of British National Identity, 1759–1815 Wood 2011 Slavery and Abolition
‘Do You Remember the Days of Slav'ry?’ Connecting the Present with the Past in Contemporary Jamaica Paul 2009 Slavery and Abolition
Hidden in Plain Sight: Maroon Life and Labor in Virginia's Dismal Swamp Maris-Wolf 2013 Slavery and Abolition
‘Freedom Narratives’ of Transatlantic Slavery Lovejoy 2011 Slavery and Abolition
SLAVERY: ANNUAL BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SUPPLEMENT (2013) Thurston 2014 Slavery and Abolition
‘His Complete History’? Revisioning, Recreating and Reimagining Multiple Lives in Frederick Douglass's Life and Times (1881, 1892) Bernier 2012 Slavery and Abolition
A Missed Opportunity? The Founding, Postcolonial Realities, and the Abolition of Slavery Mason 2014 Slavery and Abolition
Developing the West Indian Proslavery Position after the Somerset Decision Swaminathan 2003 Slavery and Abolition
